
Wie is Twilight?

Waarschuwing vooraf, onderstaand bevat spoilers. Een paar jaar geleden besloot Josh Whedon zijn creatie Buffy The Vampire Slayer verder te laten leven in comics. Een serie uitgegeven door Dark Horse, ging verder bij het einde van het laatste televisieseizoen. Het papieren achtste seizoen is inmiddels 33 maanden verder en nadert het einde. In nummer 33 werd eindelijk de identiteit bekendgemaakt van de big bad Twilight.

De storyarc geschreven door Brad Meltzer heeft nogal wat controverse op doen waaien in de Verenigde Staten.

Tegenover comicbookresources.com meldt Meltzer het volgende over de bekendmaking: "This is the moment I was most terrified about writing in the entire arc because I actually knew the big picture and all that stuff, but people have waited for a decade for these two to get together. Joss has been thinking of this moment for years in his head, and he's written these characters for so many years. I was terrified of "What's that line going to be?" And the first line I wrote was not, "I missed you too." It was more of a joke, and Joss said, "I don't think the joke works here. Try something different." I came back with "I missed you too," and he said, "Now you've got it." I was terrified that that moment had to be something that just didn't speak of a joke in the moment or something that could be cute. It had to speak something true about both these characters, and when it finally came to me, I felt like, "I got it." This is exactly what he needs to be saying because you can read it with a cuteness and with a dead seriousness, and it works both ways. It says to me exactly what's gone on between these two."

Angel is dus Twilight. Grappig detail is dat zijn eigen serie uitgegeven wordt door de concurrent van Dark Horse: IDW

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