Bowling noemde het ontwikkelbudget dat uitgever Activision uittrok voor Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 'belachelijk groot'. “Early on – when we decided to make a sequel – Activision estimated out a ridiculous budget. And we were like: ‘No, we don’t need that’. So we said ‘let us design a game the way we’d always design a game. And let us focus on that.’ So we didn’t let the budget affect our mentality. We would only put stuff in the game that is right for the game, and not because we can.”

Bowling vertelde verder dat de hoge verwachtingen voor de game geen effect hadden op het ontwikkelproces. “Very early on we decided to shelter ourselves from being distracted by the hype. We are focussing on making a game that we can be proud of and our fans will like. We approached it like we would any other game.”
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